
terça-feira, 27 de março de 2007

Dúvida, John Patrick Shanley

Teatro Maria Matos
Em cena de 27-03-2007 a 06-05-2007

encenação Ana Luísa Guimarães

1964. Uma igreja e escola católicas. Bronx, Nova York.
Um Padre é suspeito de assediar sexualmente uma criança de 12 anos.
A Madre Superiora acusa-o. O Padre reclama a sua inocência.
Será ele culpado ou inocente?

Interpretação Eunice Muñoz, Diogo Infante, Isabel Abreu e Lucília Raimundo


Doubt: a Parable

"What do you do when you're not sure?" Father Flynn asks the audience in the opening line of this play, setting the stage for a story of suspicion and moral certainty.

His colleague, Sister Aloysius, is an old-school nun who insists that her students not be coddled: "Every easy choice today will have its consequence tomorrow. Mark my words." Flynn, following the Second Vatican Council's directive, believes the clergy should be more accessible to the parish and be thought of "as members of their family."

These two schools of thought come into direct conflict when Aloysius suspects Flynn of "interfering" with Donald Muller, the school's first black student. Sister James, an inexperienced but enthusiastic young nun who has been an indirect witness to the dealings between Flynn and Muller, is subsequently consulted by Aloysius. When James reluctantly reports smelling alcohol on Donald's breath after a visit with Flynn, she sets the play's central conflict into motion. The fourth character, Mrs. Muller (Donald's mother) provides yet another perspective when she's brought in to discuss the situation with Aloysius. She supports her son's friendship with Flynn, inappropriate or not, and hints that this situation has arisen for Donald before.

In a verbal Battle of the Titans, Aloysius confronts Flynn with her suspicions, demanding his confession and resignation. He refuses, denying any wrong-doing. When Aloysius claims to have evidence, he appears to crumple and she exits, seemingly victorious.

In the final scene, we learn that Father Flynn has been transferred to another parish and received a promotion.

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